Are you looking to get into face painting? Well, that’s great. It’s a wonderful hobby and one that can let you make some money and flex your creativity at the same time. However, there are a few things you need to remember when you start so that you can get the most out of face painting Perth.
First, you want to use the best paint possible.
There’s plenty of brands, but you’ll want one that’s consistent and doesn’t leave rashes. Kids will not take kindly to cheaper paints. You also want something that can wash off quickly but won’t break down if the face and skin sweats.
Going big is a good idea.
Smaller designs might seem more accessible, but this is a mistake. Smaller images require more detail and better control. What you want to do is to go big, because it’s easier to do and lets you practice. If you can’t go big, use the best brushes possible.
A simple colour palette is useful if you’re a beginner. Sure, a butterfly in rainbow colours might seem nice, but it’s going to be hard. You’ll want to have only one or two shades. If you must use multiple, let each colour dry before adding a new one.
Watch the eyes. Whether with kids or adults, don’t let the paint get too close to the eyes.
Simplify the steps. Don’t make anything too complicated, because you want the designs to be quick enough that you can get through them fast. This is especially true for parties, where you have less than an hour per face to paint.
If, however, you’re working with professionals, you can take a little more time. Just be sure that no matter how simple the design, it looks like what it’s supposed to portray.
Color layers should be overseen. Start with a base, let it dry, and then apply the rest. Dry between coats, like painting a house.
Be sure to go from lightest to darkest when painting.
Q-tips are great for use on children. They’re simple to use, smooth, and easy to dispose of if you need to. You can even change with each colour you apply. Cheap paintbrushes are also a good choice if you’re not into q-tips.